FUNCTION OF STEAM JET EJECTOR IN STEAM TURBINE In this article we discussed about the function of steam jet ejector in steam turbine operation and also know about its working principle . the Steam jet ejector are used for air removal on surface condensers. They are simple in operation and …
BOILER STEAM DRUM SAFETY VALVE Boilers are designed for a certain maximum operating pressure. If this pressure is exceeded, there is danger of an explosion unless this pressure is relieved. This danger is so great that it necessitates equipping all boilers with safety valves to maintain the boiler pressure within …
Emergency shutdown of waste heat boiler Today i talk about the emergency shutdown of waste heat boiler . at what conditions we take the unit shout down immediately. after lot of discussion and reading I decided to share with my users about these emergency let’s go discussed about the the …
TURBINE EMERGENCY STOPPED CONDITIONS Today we discussed about the emergency stoppage of steam turbine . at which conditions or emergency occurred during steam turbine operation we should immediately stop the turbine. after many research I discussed some point or we can say turbine emergency I found or faced and listening …
TURBINE THRUST BEARING AND IT’S FUNCTION The thrust bearing consists of Babbitt metal lined, stationary shoes that run against the rotor thrust runner. Shoes on both sides of the runner prevent movement in either axial direction. Journal bearing are used to take radial load of the shaft. But it can’t …
STEAM TURBINE JOURNAL BEARING AND IT’S FUNCTION Steam turbines have journal bearings and thrust bearings. Journal bearings are at each end of each rotor to support the weight of the rotor. One thrust bearing typically is provided for the entire steam turbine to maintain the axial position of the rotor. …
Turbine Rotor critical rotation speed:- In the manufacturing and installation process, turbine rotor will inevitably have partial centroid shift. When rotor is rotating, centrifugal force caused by this centroid shift will become a periodical vibration force on rotor and force it to vibrate. When the frequency of this vibration force is …
Type of emergency in steam turbine; In this article we discussed about the type of emergency in steam turbine occurred during the operation time of steam turbine . Steam turbine is a critical rotating equipment. High temperature and pressure is used to rotating the turbine at high speed. Mass of …